The Night Sky in JULY 2024

For more details please consult – Astronomy – Sun – Moon – Eclipses ( and

Note – all times are Canaries Islands Local Time


Following the Summer Solstice the days are getting slowly shorter with consequent lengthening of the nights.

Stars and objects of the Summer Sky are starting to show themselves at around 10pm.

The Moon 

New Moon 5th July 2024 at 2357     First Quarter 13th July 2024 at 2348              

Full Moon 21st July 2024 at 1117     Last Quarter 28th July 2024 at 0351

The Planets   

Sun   Moon  Mercury Venus   Mars  Jupiter  Saturn  Uranus

Rise        0438  0112 0646      0513     0148   0242    0020    0204

Set         2139   1711   2249     2209  1656   1902    1121    1755    

In summary   

Mercury will be lost in the evening twilight.

Venus is too close to the Sun this month.

Mars is a morning object visible low in the east before sunrise.

Jupiter is also visible in the east before sunrise but will be quite a challenge to locate.

Saturn will be visible for a short while low in the waste before sunrise.

Uranus is close to Mars and can be used as a marker to locate it low in the east before sunrise.

Meteor Showers  There are no major meteor showers visible in July.

Bright Comet  

Comet 13p/Olbers is in Lynx and brightening          

Comet C/2023 L3 Tsuchinsan-ATLAS is a 9th magnitude object in Leo and is brightening gradually.

There are no other Comets in the sky brighter than 12th magnitude this month

For further news on upcoming bright Comets please browse with website …..

The Stars at Midnight CEST from the Canaries Islands

North – Hercules and Bootes are overhead with the two Bears nicely placed. Cepheus and Cygnus are rising in the NE. Coma and Leo are in the NW.

East – Hercules and Ophiuchus are overhead with the band of the Milky Way nicely placed [Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Cygnus, Aquilla, Scutum, Sagittarius and Scorpius]..

South – Serpens is overhead, with Ophiuchus, Libra and Vigo nicely placed. Sagittarius Scorpio, are in view and Lupus – the Wolf – is low down

West – Bootes is overhead, Coma and Leo are nicely placed. Centaurus is low in the SW.

Other phenomena to look out for

With Summer in full swing the focus for stargazers turns towards Noctilucent Clouds. These are so-called night-shining clouds and are visible only once the Sun has set. Already Summer 2024 is looking very promising for seeing these amazing cloud formations

 There is lots of solar activity at the moment – though activity has toned down since the auroral storm of the 14th of  June, more solar activity should be on the way.

Night Sky View

Rendering from Carte du Ciel – Skycharts. en:start [Skychart] (