Social astronomy is back!
Meetings are normally held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month starting at
7.30pm @The Pavilion,
Lockwood Park.
Get yourself down for some much needed astro fun with your astro buddies!
Short Talk at regular meeting – Introduction to Radio Astronomy by Robert Williams Tuesday 5th March 7pm

Guest Lecture: 7pm, Tuesday 19th March 2024 @Bowling Pavilion, HRUFC, Lockwood Park , Brewery Drive HD4 6EN.
John Waterhouse, Bradford Astronomical Society.
>>> C O S M O L O G Y <<< “Can we really understand our Universe? Can you? Can I?”
This concentrates on why we think what we do and aims for every audience member to understand that, given that they will all have different starting points! The “Can I” part recognizes that I also do not find this easy and sometimes have doubts!
Don’t miss this very interesting and thought provoking lecture by the very interesting John Waterhouse
HAS members £3
Non HAS members £5
Under 16s (must be accompanied by ticket paying adult) FREE
Christmas Party – Tuesday December 5th 2023
7pm, Tuesday 21st November 2023 @Bowling Pavilion, HRUFC, Lockwood Park , Brewery Drive HD4 6EN.
Dr. Julian Onions, University of Nottingham.
The FAR SIDE OF THE MOON, is it full of Aliens?
The Moon is a shy body, it only ever shows one sides of itself to the Earth. Before the space age, we had no idea what was on the far side of the Moon. This has led to a number of conspiracy theories that
it is a haven for aliens. In this talk, we’ll chart the progress of how we got to see what was on the far side of the Moon, and what we found there. Tin foil hats are optional!
HAS members £3 Non HAS members £5 Under 16s (must be accompanied by ticket paying adult) FREE
Astronomy Course – Thursday 19th October 2023 for 6 weeks – see separate page
Guest Speaker – Professor Brad Gibson of Hull University, Tuesday 19
September 2023
Title: Black Holes: Friend or Foe?
Perhaps the most overused prop in science fiction, Black Holes are equally
the most poorly understood, and indeed, perhaps the most poorly appreciated.
Are they truly the terrifying entities portrayed by Hollywood, gorging
themselves on everything in their pathway, or are they more benevolent
“creatures” whose existence, in turn, has helped shaped our own
existence. All will be revealed tonight!
Doors Open 7.00 pm, Tuesday 19th September 2023 @Bowling Pavilion, Brewery
Drive, HRUFC, Lockwood Park, Huddersfield HD4 6EN
HAS members : £3; Non Members : £5; 16 and under : free
First Light @‘Garden of Stars’ Day!!

AGM 7.00pm Tuesday 17th January 2023
ChrisTMAS Party 2022 – 6th December

This is a ticketed event – Adults £7.50 & Under 18’s £5.00
Tuesday 15th November 2022

THURSDAY 13th October 2022 – Introduction to Astronomy Course
- Venue: Bowling Pavilion (next to KAL leisure centre), Huddersfield Rugby Union Football Club, Lockwood Park, Brewery Drive, Lockwood, HD4 6EN.
- Duration: 6 Weeks.
- Day and Time: Thursdays 7pm – 9pm.
- Cost: £105 with a 30% reduction on 1st year membership cost.
Tuesday 6th September 2022

7.00 pm, Tuesday 6th September 2022 @Pavilion, HRUFC, Lockwood Park, Huddersfield HD4 6EN (HAS members £2, non-members £3)
What sort of rockets or spaceships could we use to go to the distant stars. We will explore some of the crazier designs that have been proposed over the years, most of which have some possibility of working. The future may be nearer than we think!
Julian has always had an interest in astronomy, and after many years as an amateur studied for a Phd in astrophysics at the University of Nottingham.
There he studies computer models of galaxy formation using some of the biggest computers in the world, building model universes using mostly dark matter. He also helps out with undergraduate teaching and various outreach activities.
THURSDAY 17th February 2022
‘Introduction to ASTRONOMY Course’
Guest Speaker
PROF BRAD GIBSON – University of Hull
TUESDAY 1st February 2022
The Bowling Pavillion,
Lockwood Park,
7:30pm – Doors Open 7:00pm
HAS Member £2.00 Non-Member £3.00
Are We Alone?
Have we been visited before? Are they out there watching… listening… studying us? And if they are out there, where might ‘there’ be? Our Milky Way Galaxy can be a nasty and inhospitable place for life to develop… but, all is not lost… there are some very unique and special places hidden amongst this hostile environment where the building blocks for life might just be right for extraterrestrial life to flourish. In this lecture, Professor Brad Gibson will examine the evidence for and against the existence of extraterrestrai life, and walk you through the associated good, bad, and ugly corners of our Galaxy.
Short bio: An Aussie-Canadian transplant, Brad is the Head of Physics & Maths, and Director of the E.A. Milne Centre for Astrophysics, at the University of Hull. Brad’s work has gained a degree of notoriety by defining the Milky Way’s Galactic Habitable Zone (named a Top 10 News Story of the Year by National Geographic), determining the expansion rate of the Universe (for which their team was awarded the Gruber Prize in Cosmology), and building the world’s first Liquid Mirror Telescope Observatory. Brad’s 500+ outreach events over the past 6 years have reached more than two million people around the world, including nearly 100 schools and colleges around the UK. His commitment to widening participation and diversity, and improving the career prospects of physics students, led to his “Changing Face of Physics” campaign being named Best Practice in the Country by the UK’s Equality Challenge Unit.