Garden of Stars

What is it?

The Garden of Stars is currently under development and is a Huddersfield Astronomy Society (HAS) venture in collaboration with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) to utilise a small plot of land at Stirley YWT for use by HAS.

HAS will allow its members to utilise such site for Astronomical purposes, viewing, astrophotography etc,

Community outreach programmes will be developed by both HAS & YWT.

The site has open far reaching views from South to North East, whilst East to South East are beneath the hillside elevation so restricting views below ~ 30 degrees.

When will it be open?

As this is a shared site, access will only be open for Outreach programmes and also for Astronomy evenings for HAS members when notified on our Facebook pages.

Where is it?

Stirley YWT is located near Hall Bower and below Castle Hill.

Access to the site is only allowed from the junction of Lady House Lane and Hall Bower Lane. Do not use Cold Hill lane (Private access) or the track from Ashes Lane (impassable for vehicles). See maps below showing access routes from Lockwood and Armitage Bridge:

Current development:

The site is fenced and bounded by new willow shoots to provide a basic windbreak, Further work is required to create a gravel pathway to the site from the car park.

Regular upkeep is required to maintain the grass!


Car Parking

Toilets will be open for events or HAS astro evenings.

Current Update:

September/October 2023

Hardcore and self-binding gravel are being laid to create the outreach viewing area and several hardstanding pad’s for use by our astronomers: